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IPL Treatments

Why Choose IPL Treatments at Velvet Skin?

  • Versatile Solutions: IPL technology is highly versatile and can effectively treat a range of skin concerns, making it a one-stop solution for multiple issues.

  • Customized Approach: Our skilled practitioners customize each IPL treatment to your unique skin type and concern, ensuring optimal results.

  • Non-Invasive: IPL treatments are non-invasive and require little to no downtime, allowing you to resume your daily activities immediately.

IPL for Pigmentation Issues

Are uneven skin tones and dark spots bothering you?

IPL treatments can effectively target and fade pigmentation issues such as sunspots and age spots. Our specialized IPL handpiece emits precise wavelengths of light that break down excess melanin, leaving your skin looking clearer and more youthful.

IPL for Spider Veins

Say goodbye to visible spider veins.

IPL can reduce the appearance of unsightly spider veins on your face and body. The light energy is absorbed by the blood vessels, causing them to collapse and gradually fade from view. Enjoy smoother, vein-free skin with our IPL spider vein treatments.

IPL for Acne

Reclaim your confidence with clear skin.

Acne can be a persistent problem, but IPL treatments offer a breakthrough solution. The IPL light energy targets the bacteria responsible for acne, reducing inflammation and promoting healing. It can also minimize the appearance of acne scars, leaving you with a smoother complexion.


The IPL Treatment Process

  1. Consultation: We begin with a comprehensive consultation to assess your skin concerns and determine the most suitable IPL treatment plan.

  2. Preparation: Your skin will be cleansed and a cooling gel applied to enhance treatment comfort.

  3. IPL Treatment: The IPL device emits controlled pulses of light, targeting the specific issue being addressed.

  4. Results: Over a series of sessions, you'll notice a gradual improvement in your skin's condition. Pigmentation fades, spider veins disappear, and acne becomes less problematic.

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